
Best Neck Liposuction in Seattle and Bellevue

What is Chin & Neck Liposuction?

Chin and neck liposuction is a procedure that treats stubborn fat under the chin and in the neck. Excess fat can lead to a loss of jawline definition or what some people call a “double chin.” Liposuction is a minor procedure that can be performed awake or under twilight anesthesia. The procedure is performed with a tiny skin puncture hidden under the chin which allows excess fat to be suctioned out. Chin liposuction takes less than one hour to perform. 

In younger individuals, when fat has been removed the skin will naturally tighten and not become saggy. Older patients with looser skin may also need a neck lift or an energy based neck tightening procedure at the time of neck liposuction in order to also tighten the skin. Dr. Scott will assess you and determine if you can expect good results with just liposuction or if you also need a neck skin tightening procedure to achieve an optimal neck contour.  


Dr. Brian Scott performs chin liposuction & neck liposuction for patients from Seattle, Bellevue, Kirkland, Redmond, Issaquah, Sammamish, Tacoma, Bellingham, Portland , and the surrounding areas in Oregon and Washington.  Additional before & after photos are available for viewing in-office. 

What is the recovery like after liposuction?

The procedure is performed in our fully accredited surgical suite. Patients will arrive the day of surgery and leave for home a few hours later. In general, neck liposuction is not very painful. Most patients use tylenol for pain control but we also provide prescription pain medication in case something stronger is needed. Patients are able to walk around the day of surgery, but we ask them to avoid heavy exercise for two weeks.  

Patients can expect mild swelling and bruising in their neck which usually peaks a few days after surgery and then begins to rapidly improve. 

Who is a good candidate for chin and neck liposuction?

A good candidate for liposuction has excess fat under their chin or jawline without loose or saggy skin. Patients should be overall healthy without serious heart or lung diseases. Both men and women can benefit from liposuction.  

Frequently Asked Questions

In younger individuals, when fat has been removed the skin will naturally tighten and not become saggy. Older patients with looser skin may also need a neck lift at the time of neck liposuction in order to also tighten the skin and prevent it from becoming saggy. As a general guideline, patients under 35-40 years old can expect excellent outcomes with just liposuction. Some patients over 40 years can also have good results with just liposuction, but it depends on your pre-existing skin laxity. Dr. Scott will assess you and determine if you can expect good results with just liposuction, or if you also need neck skin tightening to achieve an optimal neck contour.  

Chin & neck liposuction is not very painful. Patients can expect mild bruising and swelling of the neck which lasts for 1-2 weeks. Most patients only require tylenol for pain control but we also provide prescription pain medication in case something stronger is needed.  

In general, liposuction is a safe procedure and most patients heal without issue. However no procedure is completely without risk. Some of the main risks of liposuction include bleeding (hematoma), infection, asymmetry, and nerve injury. Overall, complications are rare and most problems typically resolve completely with time.  

Liposuction can be performed with the patient awake or under twilight anesthesia. The skin will be numbed so you will not experience discomfort during the procedure.  

Kybella is a chemical compound which is injected  into the fat under the chin and chemically dissolves it. This is a quick procedure done in-office. Patients can expect significiant bruising and swelling under their chins which lasts about 2 weeks. Most patents needs multiple sessions to get rid of all of the excess fat. 

In Dr. Scott’s experience, neck liposuction is a more effective and precise way to remove fat than kybellaAlthough liposuction is more expensive up-front, kybella requires multiple sessions to achieve noticeable results, so they end  up costing about the same. In addition, liposuction is a one-time procedure and the bruising/swelling is generally less than it would have been with kybella. Dr. Scott can discuss the advantages and disadvantage of each of these options with you.  

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