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Best Rhinoplasty in Seattle and Bellevue

What is rhinoplasty?

A rhinoplasty (nosejob) is a surgical procedure that alters the way the nose looks or functions. Common reasons people seek rhinoplasty are to lower a bump/hump, correct a droopy tip, narrow the nose, straighten a crooked nose, or improve the appearance of the tip. Some patients may also seek rhinoplasty for issues with breathing which may be related to narrow nasal passages or weak nasal cartilages. A septoplasty is often performed at the time of the rhinoplasty to correct a deviated septum.  

Seattle Rhinoplasty
Seattle Rhinoplasty
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Brian Scott Rhinoplasty
Revision Rhinoplasty Bellevue
Revision Rhinoplasty Bellevue

What is the recovery like after a rhinoplasty?

Surgery is performed in our fully accredited surgical suite. Patients will arrive the morning of surgery and leave for home in the early afternoon. In general, a rhinoplasty is not very painful. Most patients use tylenol for pain control but we also provide prescription pain medication in case something stronger is needed. Dr. Scott does not typically use nasal packing. Patients are able to walk around the day of surgery, but we ask them to avoid heavy exercise for two weeks.  

Patients can expect mild swelling and bruising  which usually peaks a few days after surgery and then rapidly improves.   

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Rhinoplasty and Chin Implant
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Best Rhinoplasty Bellevue
Best Rhinoplasty Bellevue

Dr. Brian Scott is a rhinoplasty expert who trained under the top rhinoplasty surgeons in NYC. He performs rhinoplasty on patients from Seattle, Bellevue, Redmond, Kirkland, Sammamish, Tacoma, Issaquah, and patients who travel to see him from different states. Dr. Scott prides himself on natural-looking noses that are custom made according the patient’s desires and to match their facial features. 

Frequently Asked Questions

A good candidate for a rhinoplasty seeks cosmetic improvements to their nose or wants to improve their nasal breathing. Patients should be overall healthy without serious heart or lung diseases.  

A rhinoplasty can be performed under twilight anesthesia or with the patient completely asleep. The patients comes in the morning to our in-office fully accredited surgical suite and leaves for home in the early afternoon.  

In general, a rhinoplasty is not very painful. Most patients use tylenol and icing for pain control but we also provide prescription pain medication in case something stronger is needed. 

A well-performed rhinoplasty should improve nasal breathing, not make it worse. Doctor Scott is a fellowship trained facial plastic surgeon who is also board certified by the American board of Otolaryngology (Ears Nose & Throat). His dual training in both the cosmetic and functional aspects of nasal surgery give him a unique skill set which he uses to make noses that are both cosmetically appealing and breathe well.  

An alarplasty is a procedure which narrows the nostrils and the base of the nose. An alarplasty is most commonly performed as part of a rhinoplasty, but it can be performed as a standalone procedure if the only change in the nose needed is narrowing of the nostrils. Dr. Scott will examine you at the time of your consult to determine if you would benefit from an alarplasty as part of your rhinoplasty.  

A revision rhinoplasty is more complex than a rhinoplasty performed on an unoperated nose. The presence of scar tissue and cartilage irregularities make the surgery more difficult and the results slightly less predictable. In some revision cases, ear or rib cartilage grafting may be needed to help rebuild and support the nose. Dr. Scott is a revision rhinoplasty specialist who trained under the top rhinoplasty surgeons in New York City.  

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